Write Offers, Bills and Contracts
and customize them to your needs
Easy Document Templating
Every company has its individual corporate identitiy and for that reason, we offer you a variety of possibilities to design documents to your demands. We use our document generation solution called PDFBricks, which allows you to create documents from templates in two different ways: First, we offer you a visual editor, similar to word, and second, you can use PDF forms which are automatically filled out with the data from our software. Placeholders can be freely designed and positioned, and the data can be manipulated with excel-like formulas. Designed templates can be generated with the corresponding data directly in a transaction with only one click.
Offers & Bills
The rented objects, the discounts and the included extras are usually listed on an offer or invoice. With rentingforce, you can adjust the presentation or restrict the printed items with filters. Taxes or other country-specific regulations can be added according to defined rules and can be calculated and inserted into the document with formulas.
Automatic Rental Contracts
In a rental contract, all data about the customer can be inserted as well as your own rental terms and conditions. For a successful rental, both parties need to sign the contract and rentingforce is supporting you by providing pre-filled forms. It can even integrate your signature into the generated document automatically.
Protocols for Hand-Out and Return
To be on the safe side, a handover protocol can be generated which contains information about old or new damages as well as information about the vehicle and the consumed goods.
Anything else?
Besides the provided templates, we offer you the possibility to create your own documents. Those document can also be limited to certain countries or transaction types. For further information about the document solution, please get in touch.
Just one click away
All customers or agencies related documents can be sent via email and you can easily specify which booking documents will be attached. rentingforce supported standardized documents by sophisticated e-mail templates. Messages can be sent automatically based on defined booking parameters. For example, it is possible to send booking confirmations two weeks before the rental starts.