Provide Better Customer Service
through better customer analysis
Customer Management
That Grows With You
With rentingforce you can easily gain an overview over your customer base. You can import your existing list of customers and merge customers to avoid duplicates. The list can also be exported in various formats, for example to send customized newsletters. You can choose from a variety of export fields. In our modern dashboard view you can see income reports and the latest bookings. Besides registrations by customers, you can also create individual logins for your customers to give them access to the online booking system.
Automatic and Manual Customer Groups
With rentingforce, you can organize your customers in customer groups, which are either managed manually or automatically. For example, you can automatically group customers by their income or by the date of their last booking. Such customer groups can also be created for agencies. The availability of discounts or prices can be limited to customer groups, and you can set the permissions and default booking settings for groups individually.
Integrated File Management
rentingforce enables you to upload all your files to the document management system (DMS). These files are displayed automatically in customer related transactions and customers can also add their own documents. You can also attach uploaded documents to outgoing emails hassle-free.
Manage Customer Relations
Through Contact Persons
You can assign customers to your employees, so called contact persons. To ensure a frictionless integration, this assignment can be automatically made based on specific rules. The contact person is overtaken into all transactions of the customer. E-Mails can be personalized to your employee.
Keep Your Customers Posted
Existing booking documents can be sent smoothly by mail to your customer or agency. You decide which documents are going to be attached. rentingforce provides intelligent e-mail templates to support this process. These templates might be sent automatically based on specific criteria e.g. a booking confirmation is sent to the customer one week before a rental starts.